Friday, July 15, 2011

How could Mumbai again become a soft target after 26/11?

 by Shreya Roy

Three serial blast at hearts and minds of people
The three serial blasts which rocked India's financial capital, Mumbai on 13th july, 2011 at Zaheri Bazar, Opera House & Dadar areas in Mumbai within 6.30-7.00pm (IST) carried the trademark of Indian Mujahideen with the links of Lashkara-e-Tayiba.There was no specific target, rather the bombs were exploded to kill and wound as many citizens as possible. So far according to recent updates 18 peoples were killed & 131 injured during the city's peak hour crush.
Our Union Home Minister P.Chidambaram illustrates three serial explosion as unfortunate & advices every citizen to maintain peace. Chief Minister of Mumbai Prithviraj Chavan acknowledges that some lessons from 26/11 are yet left to be learned. Is it not enough for them to learn a lesson at this point of time?

The Mumbai serial blasts also exposed the Congress NCP rift over R.R.Patil as Home Minister . The NCP objected to Maharashtra Chief Minister claiming that giving the Home Ministy to the ally was a mistake. Contrary to this Chavan said 'I don't  know of any other coalition Governments where the portfolios of the Home, Finance,& Planning are not with Chief Minister.' So is it the time for blame game?
Here again frustrated Mumbaikars  are blaming intelligence failure for not defending them from another terrorist attack after the 26/11 massacre which left 166 people dead. Our Indian Govt. promisd for setting up new security measures in the metropolitan cities, but a few Investigating departments  & Intelligence bureaus are active yet.
Though Mumbai had been attacked every three years since 2003 and the city has a stong network of IM(Indian Mujahideen). The terror attack in Mumbai on this 13th july was the 13th attack in the last 20yrs on this city. Its very unfortunate hearing them say that it was a very coordinated attack by the terrorists but at the same time we see a disorganized intelligence in India. So my question lies here  'how do you justify that there was no specific intelligence prior to the blasts?'
It looks like the repeat telecast pf same incidents again and again and proves the Mumbai's unpreparedness against terror attacks. Politicians have already started their blame game and now its time for the candel vigil marches and display of sympathy by provide with ex Gratia. The term "Security" has become worthless in a populated country like India. Isn't it shameful? So many voices crying with the same query..


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